Query about "Sign in with Apple" and Handling "Hide My Email" Option

I am working on a financial application that falls under Indian jurisdiction, which has specific regulations prohibiting the use of relay or proxy emails for sign-up processes. Given that the "Hide My Email" feature in "Sign in with Apple" provides a relay email, I'm trying to understand how I can remain compliant with these regulations while offering "Sign in with Apple" as a sign-up option.

My proposed flow:

  • Allow users to use "Sign in with Apple" for authentication.

  • Check if the user has opted for the "Hide My Email" feature.

  • If they have, show an error message explaining the regulatory restriction and prompt them to either:

  • a) Use "Sign in with Apple" without the "Hide My Email" option OR

  • b) Use our standard "Sign up with Email and Password" flow.

I would like to understand if such an approach is acceptable according to Apple's guidelines. Would there be any issues or recommendations from Apple's side on implementing this flow?

Thank you for your assistance and guidance!

Hi somprabhsharma,

Please review the App Store Review Guidelines for the requirements of Legal, Data Collection and Storage, and Sign in with Apple—under 5.1.1(v, ix). You may need to seek legal counsel to determine the appropriate next steps for your app based on the regulations and the compliance in your region.

Note: App Store Review does not pre-approve, nor pre-review app submissions, so your developer team and/or counsel will need to submit a production-ready app for review as specified in the guidelines above.



Query about "Sign in with Apple" and Handling "Hide My Email" Option